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preg dog will not eat

18 13:26:47

today is 7-4-09 she is due 7-15-09.  I have searched and searched, but still can't find the answer.  NO problems, not sick, she will just not eat. No puppy food, no hamburger,no soft food (which she was eating, but now will not) ......... Example; it is now 3:00 and she has not eaten anything all day.  I finally got her to each some cheese.  Do I feed her plain hamburger mixed with nothing? I also hear, solid protien is not good for the pups too. What do I fix her to eat.  She will NOT eat.

Hi. Try mixing her food with a bit of plain yogurt or cottage cheese. You can also mix hamburger meat in with it as well. Try putting more hamb. meat than dog food at first, and then wean her off of the hamb. meat. You can also try mixing some beef gravy in her food. I have a girl here that's only 5 weeks in, and we're having that same problem right now. This is what worked for her. Also, try offering smaller, more frequent meals during the day. Her belly is crowded with puppies, and she's probably not able to eat like she use to.