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My Extremely Small Yorkie is pregnant!!

18 13:31:23

About 6 months ago I bought a yorkie from what sounded like a good breeder. She knew the answers to EVERY question I asked, she was very informative, she even had a list of references and apparently she also showed her dogs. She seemed to meet all the requirements when looking for a breeder. I ended up buying a very little 6 month old female puppy from her. The pup (now named Lola) was only 3 lbs at the time. The woman said the puppy was way too small for her breeding program so she had her spayed and I paid $1000 for her. Well, long story short... My neighbor also has a very small male yorkie, he is just under 3 lbs. (he is the reason I wanted one) and on Nov 12 I found them in my front yard TIED! I know enough about breeding from my moms Italian greyhounds to know that a month later she was definitely pregnant! She wasn't SPAYED as the women told me she was!! I have tried calling her and emailing her but with no answers. Her #s are disconnected and she is not answering my emails? I would go to her home but she lives over 3 hrs away and with 3 kids and 1 on the way its not so easy. Plus I'm not too sure what I would do anyway? I am way to attached already. Anyway, I got her an ultrasound a week ago and sure enough there are 2 puppies in there. I am a wreck! She is too small to be bred, and she is only a year old! I have only had a couple weeks to take this all in, and I'm not doing so well. I have taken her to the vet and he says she is small but so are the puppies so she should be okay? What do I do? I don't know how to whelp such a small breed?! I know the possibility of her needing a c section is pretty high, but I am completely lost!

Hi Jennine

Did the breeder provide you with a spay certificate from a vet?  Females that have been spayed will not go into heat.  Did you notice any discharge or spotting?

Regardless, small dogs mature quicker than large ones and you have to get ready for some pups.  Construct a small whelping box for her so she can safely whelp her pups. Give her plenty of old towels and rags to nest in, and keep in contact with your vet.  He will be better able to see and examine your girl, and make an educated guess.   If he thinks a c-section is required, it's better to schedule one than to do an emergency section.  If you choose to go that route, the vet can perform a spay at the same time.

Terrier's are a tough dog, even Yorkies, so she should be okay to whelp, especially if the male is about the same weight.  

Good luck.