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adopting 2 litter mates

18 13:40:43

 My question is this, I keep hearing different things about what ages are appropriate for adoption.  I am planning on adopting 2 small 6 1/2 week old pups, as mom has stopped nursing and has no interest in them feeding or caring etc.  They will be socialized together with my family and each other, and eventually with my dogs as well.  I dont want to harm them socially as my last pup was 5 weeks old or so (abandoned) and she had done really well and is now 1 year old.   Any help would be appreciated, as I cant seem to find any answers regarding litter mates/social skills etc at 6 1/2 weeks.

HI Carol. Most people believe that it's best to leave the pups with mom and it's littermates until it is 8 weeks old. However, Some breeders let their puppies go home at 7 weeks. I have a good web site that explains puppy's needs at certain ages. As for adopting two littermates at once, it depends on the breed, and how capable the person is. Sometimes, siblings will bond more with each other instead of the human family, so you'll have to give these two a lot of attention. Also, a lot of one on one attention will be called for. Obedience class will most likely help these two. I have known many people who were very successful at keeping two puppies from the same litter, it just takes a lot of hard work on their part. I can't seem to find that web page in my favorites. I'll hunt it down for you, and will send it as soon as I find it.