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to induce labor or schudule c-section

18 13:41:40

I have a little Yorkie She has had a litter of puppies the 1st one came without trouble but the 2nd had to be via c-section. Can she be safely induced to see if she can have the next litter witout a c-section  What do you think? This would be done at my vet.

Hi Pam. You can't induce a dog. Her cervix has to already be open before she's given the shot. You can have x-rays done at day 50 to see if there are any really large ones in there. A lot of times, when a dog has to have a c-section the first time, they deliver just fine the second time around. The best thing that you can do is to have some x-rays, or ultrasound done, and just keep a good eye on her.