Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Reproduction > bichon frise

bichon frise

18 13:34:44

Hi, we bred our bichon the middle of June, her 63 days would be between this wednesday and friday.  When she is standing her stomach does not drop down like I thought it should if  she would be pregnant, but when she lays down, her stomach protrudes largely - she has been lactating for about 4 days, do you think this could be false pregnancy or is there any hope that there could be puppies.

Hi Joan. Can you feel any of the puppies move around, or feel the shape of them? Have her lay on her side, and try to gently feel for them. I always say treat the dog as if she's pregnant until proven otherwise. This is not something that I can say for sure she is or isn't. Of course it's always possible. :-) Take her in to the vet to see if he can palpate for them, that's the best advice I can offer for now. Good luck!