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Boxer dam/ Mucus plug

18 13:28:56

Hello, I have asked questions of you before. My 2 1/2 year old boxer is pregnant, but only 38 days into it. Today I took her outside for a potty break and noticed when she was done she had a long string of mucus hanging from her. She isn't due for 3 more weeks, what could this be? Should I be worried? Also she sleeps ALL day long, She gets up to eat and go potty and then she's back to sleep. Do you have any ideas of what might be going on? I also have another question, Her gums are very light pink and I know she needs some iron but my question is can I give her iron pills? or should I just stick to liver?

Hi Jessica. I think a trip to the vet is needed, just to make sure everything's going ok. It's really hard to say what the mucus was, as I can't see it first hand. The sleeping may be normal, a lot of pregnant girls do this, but put it together with the mucus, and the pale gums, I would take her in for a check up just to be safe. The pale gums may indicate that something else is going on besides being anemic, I don't know. A bit of liver shouldn't hurt her, but I'd still take her in. Please let me know how it goes.