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Puppy, Rickets????

18 13:40:59

I have a british Bulldog puppy which I bred, at around 12 weeks she started showing signs of weakness in one front leg, within 24 hours both legs seemed to be bowed at the rist.  She is walking on the side of her feet and not flat.  She is still mobile but this has not improved in 2 weeks now and im getting concerned.  She is now 14 weeks of age.  I have been told to put her on Calcium tablets but am unsure if this is the right path to take, she is 10.5kg so is a big solid puppy.

Hi Nicky

The illness of Rickets is caused by the lack of calcium or vitamin D and affects the long leg bones. Usually by swelling and a "bowing" until the entire bone gives way.  Bull breeds are prone to weak pasterns but rickets is another story.

Typically rickets is caused by a bad diet, not poor but BAD.  And lack of sunlight can also contribute.

Your pup needs to be under veterinarian care ASAP before it's too late.  

Good luck.