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18 11:56:43

how much money can you get for breeding german shepperd

Hi Therese

Wrong question.   Or maybe right question, wrong "expert" to ask.

I believe that breeding to better the breed (regardless of which that happens to be) is more important.  German Shepherds are one of my first loves but have been bred to disastrous results.  The show ring and some kennel clubs has destroyed the breed (in my opinion), they no longer function in a working capacity with HJD and other major health defects.  There are more poor GSD than exceptional ones.  

With any breeding animal, it's about pedigree, health and temperament.  Has this animal been tested?  Is it a working line dog? Is it a proven producer? How did the off-spring turn out?  How old is it? Demographics and the economy also play a large part in answering your own question.

Good luck