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Pee spots!

18 13:43:00


Have I got another one for you.  :)  We expanded the whelping bed so the mother could lay out better.  My blanket wasn't big enough so I added a smaller one to cover the space.  I noticed the next day and all day long there were pee spots only on this additional blanket.  The puppies are now 13 days old.  Is it possible they are starting to alleviate themselves a little bit?  Or could it be that the mother is just not keep up on them quick enough?  (she does have 10 to tend to.)  Or is there another explanation?  And why is it only on this additional blanket??  The rest of the bed was clean.  Is she getting them ready to go in a certain spot??  

I am actually getting excited at the fact they may be starting to go on their own.  I know, I know, I won't be saying that a week from now. :)


P.s. yes, we did get the food thing figure out.  After she gave birth, I did do the chicken and rice and gradually weaned her back to dry food with a little can mixed in.  She's doing great about eating it.  YEAH!!  :)

ANSWER: Hi Patty! When the puppies crawl around, the stimulation of rubbing on the blanket could make them potty. And, mom may not be able to keep up with them as you said. That's a lot of babies to clean up after. :-) As for why they only seem to go on the one blanket, well, dogs have an inborn sense to not soil their bedding. I honestly don't know if pups this small can exhibit this behavior. It may just be a fluke, or you have some really smart puppies. :-) When they get a little bit older, take the smaller blanket up, and put puppy pads down. This will help teach them to not potty where they sleep, and will even help with housebreaking. Um yeah, a couple of weeks from now, you'll be elbow deep in puppy poop. lol They're still a lot of fun though.

I'm glad you got her food situation sorted out. It can be so frustrating. And the girls can be so picky. :-)

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------


Mom and pups are doing great!  They are 3 1/2 weeks old now and are having a lot of fun.  My husband is going crazy with the camera!  :)  

We are just getting ready to start thinking about weaning and I've found I'm really scared about doing it.  Not exactlly sure why.  Maybe I feel like I'm intruding or taking over something that is natural.  I want to take it slow like you suggested, subsituting one feeding once a week, then two etc.)  I just don't feel right about doing it.  I'm wondering if maybe it isn't the right time yet.  Or if I'm just nervous of never done it before.  Mom is starting to spread feeding out more, between 2 and 4 hours at a time.  She doesn't seem ready to quit yet, but I don't want her to all the sudden stop and not be ready.  Any thoughts?  

Also, would it be OK to take mom on a short walk during her break times?  Or would it be better to wait until she is done with the weaning?  

Any help would be greatly appreciated.  
Thanks, Patty

Hi Patty! I'm glad to hear everyone's doing good. If mom still wants to feed them, then go ahead and let her. I'd still try to see if they're interested in puppy food, at least one feeding a day. Wait until they're 4 weeks old if you want to before you start them. One feeding a day won't hurt mom or babies. Plus, it'll give mom a much needed break, and will help her milk to slowly dry up. She won't be so uncomfortable. As for the walks, go ahead and take her on walks. It'll give her much needed exercise, some time without the pups, and let her stretch her legs. If you ever get a chance, I'd love to see a picture of the little guys! It feels kind of like I know them in a way.:-) Let me know if I can help with anything else!