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Milk production after spaying

18 13:33:11

My Maltese had to have an emergency c-section.  The vet that did the surgery said I should spay her at the same time because she would never be able to have a litter normally.  My vet has been calling to check in on them....on his last call he asked if they told me that her milk would dry up because she was spayed.  Does this always happen?  Or is it just a possibility?  Now I am wondering if I should have said no to having her spayed at the same time?

Hi Janette. This doesn't alway happen, milk drying up after a spay. There have been plenty of dogs that have produced plenty of milk after a c-section and spay. Just make sure she has plenty of food and water. You can give a few teaspoons full of dark beer to help with milk if it seems to be slacking off. However, just to be on the sade side, I'd get a few bottles and puppy milk replacer. I do this with every litter though. Sometimes we have to make these important, huge decisions on spur of the moment. I'm not sure why the vet said your girl needed to be spayed, except that maybe she had something going on with her uterus. You may want to talk to him and ask him exactly what was it that concerned him, just for your own peace of mind. Good luck!