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Could these signs mean labor is on its way...

18 13:33:12

Hi Joyce.
I have been reading around on the internet for days trying to figure out the labor signs and reading into temperature drops. My girl was bred first on the 2nd of August and for days to follow that. Her teats are rather large and sagging ( expecially the back 4 ) but I have not seen any milk. I have noticed a very slight mucous, clear to a little cloudy in color today, but not thick at all. I had not taken her temp prior to pregnancy but her temp this morning was 99.2 and a couple hours later it was back up to 101.4. She has done alot of sleeping and not much eating the last few days. I know that based on the dates she was bred she should be due here anytime. My question is it normal for temperatures to drop and then go back up to normal when labor is close? or does that lower temp stay right thru labor and also, is it  normal before labor for her to get an energy burst? It seems in the last few hours she is back to her playful self before becoming pregnant.

Last night while laying in her area I noticed every time i checked on her that her blankets were arranged differently. Once it seemed like she had them perfectly arrranged around her in a oval shape. Today I have noticed no nesting behavior at all....and she totally cleaned out her food dish!!
Any help and advice would be appreciated.

PS- She is a Mastiff/Rottie and she was bred with a Rottie

Thanks in advance!!

Hi Dale

Everything sounds normal as can be.  The mucus plug starts discharging up and her milk may not actually come down until after whelp.  Fluctuation in temperature is also very common.  

The hardest part is the waiting.  She may be a day or two to go.  

Good luck