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strange heat cycle

18 13:32:49

QUESTION: sorry to bother you
as i seen your details on the website i have a female rottie called loui and i love her to bits...the thing is she came out of heat at the end off june this year and for some reason she has started bleeding again to day do you have any advise on this for me...

marty seymour

ANSWER: Hi Marty

No bother, that's why were here to answer questions.

How old is your female?  What is her diet?  Is she an inside or outside dog?  Where do you live?  And finally, did she go into full heat in June?

Questions that will help me answer yours.


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: hi joyce thankyou so much for your reply...loui is nearly three i give here half chub meat and half dry ruff mix,milk and an egg every day.
shes more of a inside dog and dosnt like the cold or rain i work as voluteer at telford mind in shropshire,she has a back yard to go out in the mornings and i take her for a long walk after i come back from my work.
yes her last heat lasted at least 3 weeks or so


Marty --

At three here heats should be pretty consistent.  Inside dogs tend to go longer between heat cycles because they aren't subject to the same amount of sunshine as outside dogs.

Her diet sounds fine, although I would supplement her with vitamins and fish oil, to help her immune system and her thyroid.

If nothings changed in her lifestyle, include diet and stresses, it could be that she is coming into heat early.

A condition that is common in Rotti's, but typically older ones is colitis.  This can cause bleeding and confuse males into thinking that a female is coming into heat.