Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Reproduction > breeding a pug

breeding a pug

18 11:55:16

just wondering if you have any info about breeding a pug dog that could come in handy?? how old must a pug be before breeding, how long does it take until puppies are born,, what steps should we take before and during prego??

Hi Kel

Pugs can have issues with whelping.  So you want to know the bloodlines on both sides to ensure your female can free whelp.  

It's important that the female has matured both mentally and physically.  Waiting until she's 2 or 3 is ideal.    

Gestation is 63 days, regardless of the breed.  

Before you even consider becoming a breeder, make sure your female is in tip top health, no infections, fevers or skin issues. That the male you are using is free of Brucellois or STD's.  Blood tests will be required.  And that you have homes for all the potential pups.

Good luck.