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AI on Doberman bitch

18 13:41:23

I had AI done on my Doberman bitch (as male wouldn't mate) using fresh sperm 5 days ago. I was just wondering if there are any tell tale signs that she is pregnant. I am planning to have an ultrasound on the 28th day but just want to know if there is anything else I can look out for? One thing I have noticed is that she has come out of season sooner then usual she usually bleeds for about 5 days after the straw colour discharge this time it was only about 2 days. Also last night she wet herself without waking up which she has never done before, is this all normal?.

ANSWER: Hi Melissa

How old is your female?  If her cycle's are changing it could be an indication of a thyroid condition.  But it could also be a miscalculation in days.  If she started earlier and kept herself really clean it would be hard to detect the onset of her bleeding. Which is typical in "older" females.  

The wetting isn't normal but can happen with newly pregnant females. It's usually caused by the extra weight pushing against the kidneys and puppies "sitting" on the bladder.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

She is 2yrs 3 months. This will be her first litter if she is pregnant. Her cycle was normal except for the last few days, but it could have been because she was keeping herself clean as she has been washing herself alot.
Are there any typical signs I can watch for to detect if she is pregnant before her ultrasound is done?.

Measure her chest (behind the front legs) and her stomach (above her hind legs).  If she is pregnant she should be putting on inches.  

You can watch for her teats to start hanging and sleeping a bit more.

Personally, I like the x-rays instead of the ultrasound, but that's just a personal preference.