Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Reproduction > Shih Tzu New Mom 2 inverted nipples

Shih Tzu New Mom 2 inverted nipples

18 13:37:46

Our new proud mama of three little oreo's ( black & white) they all seem healthy and nursing well. Unfortunately, Maggie's upper two nipples are inverted and there is obviously milk in there. The puppies seem to be enjoying the lower four boobies for their meals.
Do I need to take her to the vet ( she HATES car rides) or is there something I can do to express the milk, encourage the babies to eat off of those or open to suggestions.

ANSWER: Hi Tammy. This is actually quite normal. If the inverted nipples don't have milk in them, then go ahead and let the pups nurse from the remaining ones. It should be just fine. Keep an eye out for any red, hot spots though. Good luck!

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you for your response, I really think there is milk in the two she is pretty swollen. But the babies are only 4 days old maybe the milk will dry up? Thank you I am very new to this and don't want anything to go wrong with my girl :)

If the two breasts do have milk, then try to get the pups to nurse off of them. If the nipples are really inverted, then they may be too hard to nurse from. In that case, apply cool compresses to those two breasts only. That may help dry the milk up in them. Keep a good eye on any discolored milk coming from them, or any hot/red spots on them. If I can help with anything else, let me know!