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spayed female spotting

18 13:37:46

I have a few questions. My female, supposedly spayed GSD (she is a rescue dog who I adopted 6 weeks ago)), started dripping blood from her vulva 5 days ago. I took her to the vet and he did a physical exam, urinalysis and blood work to check her hormones. He thought he felt a scar on her belly from the spaying & her vulva is slightly swollen, the urinalysis came back normal (no bladder or urinary tract infection) and we're waiting for the blood test results. He thinks possibly some uterine tissue was left inside, causing hormones to still be produced, bringing on this false type of heat. At this point my vet really isn't 100% certain she has been spayed. Her temp is normal and she doesn't have a foul odor. Since we are not certain what is really going on I am watching for any signs of infection. My first question is: How much bleeding is normal during this time if perhaps she is not spayed and having normal heat. She is dripping very slowly. I find a drop here and there and wipe her periodically. I have found no need for pads. Another thing: I am pet sitting two neutered male dogs and they are completely ignoring her. I know these dogs and they would typically react to a dog in heat even though they are neutered. If she were truly in heat, on day 5 of the cycle would they be ignoring her anyway? When would they start showing interest? Sorry for so many questions, but I'm just trying not to worry so much. I know nothing about breeding and in addition someone I know mentioned Pyometra, so I'm on edge and trying to figure out what is normal and what is not. My vet is out of town for 2 weeks.

Hi. It depends on the dog how much she bleeds. Some dogs gush, some barely bleed. Some girls keep themselves so clean, you don't even know she's in heat. Most males will show interest, but not actually try to breed until the female is in the correct part of her cycle, usually about 11-14 days. Pyrometra will cause a tomatosoup like discharge, will be foul smelling, and the female will have a temp, go off her feed, and will act depressed. I don't think that's what's going on. I'd find a different vet until your vet gets back. This needs to be figured out.Good luck!