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Rat terrier whelping

18 13:38:32

Hi, I read your answer about whether Rat Terriers tend to have any difficulties with whelping. You said to make sure she isnt eating puppy food. My RT is 53 days pregnant and has ALWAYS had a ravenous appetite, even more now. The vet said to feed her puppy food to help give xtra nutrition and calcium, etc. So now im confused. I may have to whelp her while traveling to a funeral so having a too big puppy terrifies me!!! Ive had a chihuahua deliver twice w/o any problems, but this is a new breed to me and now im concerned. HELP!!!?????
thx, sharon

Puppy food has higher proteins and fats.  So the not only does the Dam put on weight but the pups become bigger too.   

It's "old school" where by vets and some breeders start their breeding females on puppy food the draw back is the risk of complications in whelp.  I'm all for feeding good quality puppy food once the pups are born, but have seen first hand the effects of big pups.  Maintaining a healthy pregnancy weight is the route to go, it easier on all parties concerned.

Good luck.