Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Reproduction > 3 week old puppy

3 week old puppy

18 13:28:25

QUESTION: I have a 3 week old bichon frise female puppy, she was the
last puppy born in a litter of 7. At birth she was very tiny,I separated her at 2 days old and placed her in a bankers box on the counter with a heating pad & blanket,  the other pups were pushing her off mom,
she can't seem to latch on but does great with the bottle.
I bottle feed formula made with, baby vitamins,carnation milk
boiled water, fat yogurt & baby vitamins every 2-3 hours
around the clock. Birth weight was 128 grams now @ 3 weeks
she weighs 245 grams, she cries when hungry & seems very feisty. I noticed today her  fontanel is opened a tiny bit
a perfect circle right on the very top of her head, my question is will this close?
does Bach's rescue remedy help this?
will she be a normal puppy?
what should I watch for>
her eyes opened at 2.5 weeks and she walks wobbly
but can definitely get around.
any help you could offer would be greatly appreciated.
thank you

ANSWER: Hi Anita

Her fontanel may close and usually does by 8 weeks.  The only remedy for it is time.  Make sure you monitor it closely in case it doesn't close.  

The first weeks and months are most important.  You want to put her on colostrum, products like Peterna are readily available at any pet or farm supply store.   This will help with her development and immune system.

I would take all the other pups out and place her on the dam for 30 minutes a few times a day. Vitamins and carnation milk is no substitute for Mother's milk.

Good luck

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you, I have put her to mom several times, she wiggles
and tries very hard to nurse but never seems to be able to latch on, I have even tried to help her but with no
luck.she just tires and falls asleep.
Would espliac help as well as Peterna?
what do I do if this soft spot doesn't close at 8 weeks?
thanks again

I'm not familiar with Espliac.  Peterna is a product I know and personally use.  It needs to be canine specific.  As humans have different requirement than dogs.  

If her fontanel doesn't close extra precautions will have to be taken.  
She should be placed into a home that understands "special needs".  No children or other large pets that may step or drop her on her head. She also may develop other heath complications, heart murmur, digestive, low immune system, etc.