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Difficult whelping

18 13:41:21

This morning (7:30am) our dog gave birth to a still born pup after a dark discharge excreted all day yesterday. I took the vets advice and brought her in at noon for an ultrasound(when there were no more contractions). The good news was that there were still strong heartbeats in the unborn pups, however the vet advised a grim prognosis for the remaining pups. She has begun contractions again (3pm) and we are concerned about the pups to come. Do you believe that they may have a chance? or are they doomed like the first born?

HI Alli. It's really hard to say. I don't understand why the vet didn't recommend a c-section to save the remining pups. If they had good heartbeats then, and she didn't start labor until 3 pm, then he should have suggested a section. They may make it. If she stops labor again, take her straight to the vet, just in case there are any alive still. Good luck, and please let me know how it goes.