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Dogs nipples very prominent

18 13:30:02

I am preparing to adopt a dog, about 2 y.o. that I found through. a local rescue shelter. She was apparently rescued from a "hoarding" situation where she was with dozens of other animals. She has had puppies before, not sure how many litters. When we saw her, her nipples are VERY prominent. She is a small dog, like terrier size. When I asked the person at this place if she had puppies recently, he did not know. Are the nipples eventually going to go down to their normal size? This rescue organization is going to have her spayed before they turn her over to me, which I am happy about.

Hi. Good for you for adopting this dog.:-) Her nipples may never go completely down to normal size. After a dog has her first heat cycle they may get a bit bigger, and then after whelping and nursing, they most always stay bigger than they were before the litter. It will take some time, but they should go down a litter, and not be so prominent. Good luck with your girl!