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Diarrhea 1 week after giving birth

18 13:40:35

My shih tzu has had runny poop the past two days. She also needs to go frequently. Today she pooped in the house (no big deal) but is depressed about it and staying in the puppy box. I was holding her to let her know everything is okay and her stomach contracted twice. I let her out and held her again after for 1/2 hour and it did not reoccur. She just had a litter of six puppies on the 8th who are all healthy. She is eating, drinking and nursing. My question is how to treat the diarrhea? I don't want to take her food away since she must nurse so many puppies and is such a small breed. She is eating a 624ml can of soft food in 4 servings each day with a 1/2 cup of whole yogurt to supplement her calcium needs. Is the yogurt the problem? How else can I get her the necessary calcium? She is still bleeding some, regular red colour, no funny smells. I'm worried about her though. Thanks for your advice!

Hi Rebecca. A lot of dogs get diarrhea after giving birth. It's natures way of cleaning things out. This is especially true if she ate any placentas. However, since she waited until now to have it, I think a trip to the vet for a check up is in order here, just to be safe. The vet will be able to run some tests to find out exactly what's causing the problem, and will be able to treat it safely because she is nursing. Let the vet run his tests, this will tell you if something's going on with mom that you'll need to watch out for in the puppies. This is honestly the safest thing to do for all of them. If mom has something, then she'll most likely pass it on to babies, and you'll need to know exactly what it is so it can be treated. Good luck!