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Pregnant pit dropped temp and then......

18 13:29:49

I have a pregnant pitbull and she is on day 62 and her temp this morning was 99.5 then at lunch time her temp was 98.2 and now after dinner her temp is 99.6 is this normal?

Hi Misty.  Yes, this is very normal. In most cases the mothers mammary glands will fill with milk in approximately  24 hours before labor.  Upon examination, you should find that her external genitalia is enlarge and soft to the touch.  You might also be able to see a thick mucous discharge.

Your mother to be will become restless and may refuse to eat when food is offered. When the time to give birth arrives the mother will show signs of contractions and possibly begin to shiver.

Good luck and please do not hesitate to contact me if you have additional questions.

Penny DiLoreto