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food for pregnant bitch

18 13:41:50

I have Brittanys and I am trying to start a responsible breeding program.  I am in love with the breed and I am trying to do everything right.  My female was bred about 4 weeks ago.  I'm not able to tell if she's pregnant yet but we have an ultrasound scheduled for next week.  My question is about what to feed her.  I went to a canine care workshop and heard a seminar by Dr. Carmen Battaglia (not sure if I spelled that right) of AKC.  He said that studies have shown that feeding the bitch a high quality dog food is the best thing for her and there is no reason to feed her puppy food.  However, my vet said the opposite.  She recommended giving her puppy food.  I thought I would get a third opinion from someone who is experienced in breeding.  Do you have any suggestions about what to feed during pregnancy?

Hi Gina. I agree with Dr. Carmen. There's no reason to give a bitch puppy food while pregnant. Actually, it can make the pups too fat, causing mom to have problems during whelping. As long as you have her on a good quality diet, mom and pups will be just fine. Don't get me wrong here, I love vets, but unles a vet is an experienced breeder themselves, they may not know a whole lot about it. They don't teach a lot about it in vet school. The first vet was right on the money. Sometimes people feel the need to supplement and such, when it's not needed and may only cause more problems. Keep her on the high quality adult food, and make sure she gets plenty of exercise. A fat mom has problems during whelping. Good luck!