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The wolf hybrid question from 08

18 13:29:05

Hi there, just stumbled upon your reply to someone asking about the length of heat etc for a high content wolf dog.
Your answer was incorrect: high content (60% or above) wolfdogs follow the same cycle as the wolf, which is having only one heat per year, usually around Jan-March. This is so that 63 days later it's springtime for the pups. Their heat also can last longer than the average dog, ranging from 2-6 weeks.
So, in case you get asked another similar question, now you that not ALL canines have the same cycle, despite their DNA being technically the same (hence, btw, they are now referred to as wolfdogs, not hybrids, because they belong to the same genus).

Hi Rowan

Thanks for your input and clarification.  

My information is based on the works of wolf biologist Erik Zimen, professor of biology at Hampshire College Raymond Coppinger and author Lorna Coppinger. All leading behavioralist and experts in the field.

Although they may now be referred to wolfdogs, I'm old school and still refer to them as hybrid, even if that's not politically correct.
