Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Reproduction > Whelping St. Bernard; first litter of pups;

Whelping St. Bernard; first litter of pups;

18 11:55:15

My St. Bernard had puppies almost 2 weeks ago, first litter. Pups are doing well, the runt died. Mom has seemed great and is nursing well, but today when I let her out she didn't come when called. She just layed in the grass and was very lethargic. She seemed unresponsive, but conscious. After about 2 minutes she was up and back to normal.  Could it just be exhaustion from taking care of pups or something more serious? She came in and started feeding the pups and was never aggressive or upset, just almost in a trance-like state.

Tiffany - Please remember that I am not a vet.  If she has another episode, please call the VET ASAP.  Sometimes they can get infections after having pups.
It's a good idea to have MOMMA checked anyway...

With that said,  Here is what you can try :
Make sure Mom is getting enough food - A good amount of x-tra quality meats will help.
Add some cooked high quality hamburger to her dog food daily - Cook up a few pounds of ground lamb and ground hamburger ( lean) --- add 1 cup or more to each of her meals per day.
Make sure she is getting 2-3 meals per day plus snacks.

Also, Place her on the NuVET supplement....Excellent for her and her pups.  The pups will get NuVET thru her Milk....  NuVET is needed to give her energy and insure she has proper immune system defense.  
Call here:  NuVET is Holistic and Not sold in stores:
She will need 2-3 NuVET wafer treat per day.
After 30 days she can go down to just 2 per day ---long term.
Tell the Girls Pet Nurse Marie sent you;  use order code 81098 and ask about the 15% OFF discount Program.
NuVET will also help her milk production....

Also, You can add some Ester C to her program - Just 1 of a 500 mg per day - long term.... Make sure it's only Ester C - ( found in the vitamin section of Walgreen's or CVS)
Hide it in some food.

Keep me posted at my private e-mail

I had 15 Saints growing up.  LOVE the breed....
It was a long time ago that we had the Saints...
One time we had 13 pups!  ( lost the runt, too)

Marie Peppers LPN MA
South Carolina anytime