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Behaviors of dog after birth

18 13:43:31

Ms. Crierie,

Our 2 yr. old pitbull gave birth to six puppies on Thursday, the 13th of December.  She is still nesting, which is causing her to 'bury' the puppies.  Can you tell me why is she doing this, and what can we do to ensure the safety of the puppies.  We do check on her very regularly, and sometimes she is stepping on the puppies during this nesting behavior. Any help is appreciated.

Also, the runt of the litter is doing alot of crying. For the first two days, she ate very little, and we have begun supplementing her milk, as well as, holding her on the nipple for feeding, but she still cries after the feeding.  For the first few days, she didn't cry at she trying to catch up, has she gotten comfortable to being in our arms for the feeding, or could something else be wrong?  She seems to settle when we pick her up, or when she is snuggled with the Mom.

Hi Tara

Were all the placenta's, after birth and pups accounted for?  If she has retained anything she may be developing an infection that would cause her to think she's still has a pup to expel.

A lot of females will bury their pups to keep them warm and to keep them hidden for any outside distractions.

In regards to the runt, you can make a incubator for her by placing her in a Tupperware or Rubbermaid container.  Use a heating pad and layer one or two towels on top of them.  Pups can't regulate their temperature so she may be cold and warm when she's next to the dam or cradled.

Good luck.