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I have a beagle/jackrussel mixed breed

18 13:47:53

My almost 1yr old puppy chloe is pregnant her due date is anytime know just wondering what are the sighns of false and true labor pains.I think she had one yesterday as she had cried and yellped I checked her temp and it was at 98 she seems to be doing great this is her first litter of pups we bread her with a mini doby pincher ancious to see how they turn out I had delivered some puppies before for my mom what in experience that was.But dogs are different.I am well prepared got towels in the drier ready for warmth for them even got a inflimalator just in case of promblems.Just wondering how to tell from real contractions then from false ones thanks.sincerly the duck family

Hi Janel --

Dogs don't have labor like humans do.  They start with being restless and lots of panting.  True contractions can be seen more as a push.  

If she's straining and pushing for more than 2 hours with nothing happening, I would contact your local vet, she may have a pup blocking her passage way.

Good luck