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Mating my miniature poodle

18 13:48:06

We first noticed swelling on the 13th of June.  As of June 26, she has had her tail in his face constantly.  He has tried to mount her with no success.  He seems to be getting tired.  They rest all of the time.  The have been together since the 23rd.  She is a mini and he is a toy.  It looks like he is just not tall enough.  However, he did get close once, because she yelped and moved away from him, but other than that, she is not fighting.  What should we do?  I say keep them together until the end of her cycle or until we get the desired results.  We change houses every few days.  This is both of the dogs first time.  She is 1 yr. and 4 months.  He is 1 yr. and 2 months.

Hi Tammy -- you may need to assist in the breeding.  You hold the female in place and help the male mount.  You may need him to stand on a book, a pillow or anything that will raise him to a acceptable level.  

Your other option is to do an A.I.

Good luck.