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Heat cycle in my chuhuahua

18 13:28:45

QUESTION: i have a female chihuahua. she is 9 months old and just had her first heat cycle. it was not a normal heat. she is very healthy, i watched her close and it started out as a normal heat would. her vulva started to swell, but it never completely poped all the way out. it continued to swell for 5 days, then she only bleed for 1 day. then the swelling went back down and now she is nolonger in heat but still appears to have an INNY VIGINA. i have had other female chihuahuas that had a bit of what is called an INNY VULVA. but they always poped completely out and then continued to have a normal heat cycle. i am a breeder of chihuahuas and have never seen this before. is it normal in some bitches in their first heat to experinence this? will her next heat cycle be normal?
thank you in advance for your answer.

ANSWER: Hi Vickie

As a breeder of the Chi's you know your lines and what is "normal" in them.  If a vulva "pops completely out" that is pyometra, a hereditary condition that you DON'T want in your lines.  

Your female could be a preheat and her next season could be normal.  Again, all females are different and can have different experiences.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I am sorry. I must not have asked my question clearly. I know what exactly what pyomerta is. it is a serious infection it the uterus. This is not that at all. This is just folds of skin behind her vagina, and part of the little slit of her vagina is still tucked into the folds of skin. I hope that explains it more clearly. I will watch her closly, and see what happens in her next heat. If it is not normal, i will have her spayed. If you have a better idea of what this is please let me know?? If not Thanks anyway for trying to answer my question.

No it was a long day for me yesterday.  Let me try again.

It sounds like the beginning of a preheat.  That or because it's her first season it doesn't appear as your other dogs.  Sometimes the first season can be quick or they come in, and go out, and come in and go out, without doing much and THEN they bloom into full season.  This can go on for a few weeks or months.  And very typical with inside dog or when the weather is going back and forth from winter to spring, back to winter.

Good luck