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Boxer Heat Cycle

18 12:00:14

My 6 year old Boxer was bred once at 5 years of age and produced a healthy litter of 7. It's now been 15 months and counting since her last heat. All of the literature I've read indicate heats can vary greatly depending upon the bitch. She's perfectly normal and healthy in every aspect, but at what point should I get concerned? I've only owned her 2 years and the previous owner can't tell me much about her past heat cycles. Also, what's a good age to retire? She's a very young, spry 6 year old and has only had one litter. I was hoping to have 1-2 more litters from her and retire her at about 8 given her health and energy maintains. Thanks

Hi Sara

Females are born with all the eggs they are ever going to produce. So as they age you are starting to get the shallow end of the gene pool.  

I'm of the the opinion, that 6 is a good age for retirement.   Especially if she's showing signs of missing heats, which can be a indicator of thyroid issues.  

Good luck