Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Reproduction > Miscarrying?


18 13:27:22

QUESTION: I have a boxer that I breed on the may 11, so that leaves her at 30 days pregnant.  She started to spot blood for 3 days now. She is eating and drinking still playing but just spotting. I've talk to the vet and breeder and they told me she could be miscarrying 1 pup but probably not the entire litter.  How do I know if she is losing the entire litter or do i just wait. I don't like the waiting game. I've never had this happen before.  Any help will be appreciated! Thanks

ANSWER: Hi. She could be miscarrying, or she could also have an infection goin on. I normally don't care for ultrasounds, but you may want to consider doing one so you can see what's going on. It is also possible to loose one pup, but not the whole litter. Either way, you need to watch her for infection. If she seems down, or has a nasty discharge, take her straight in to the vet. Like I said, you can do an ultrasound. If you choose to not do that, you will be playing the waiting game, that's all you really can do. I hate that myself, but sometimes, we just don't have a choice. :-) What color is the blood, and has she passed anything?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: When i wipe her the blood is red and sometimes there is a small small blood clot, no discharge. i talked to the vet about an ultrasound and she told me that it wouldnt tell me much.  Also she has to be 36-40 days along. Would she bleed is she had an infection?  Her private area is swollen and back nipples are hanging and bigger. Is there any signs that i can look for to see if she has any pups left?  How long will she bleed if miscarrying? Thanks for your help. Wish me luck and thanks again.  I might be just playing the wait and see game.

The reason why I suggested the ultrasound is because you would be able to see heart beats, telling you if the rest are alive or not. Sometimes they do bleed if they have an infection, but if you're seeing bloot clots, then I wouldn't think infection. You can watch her closely to see if her pregnancy signs continue, or if her belly keeps getting bigger. Measure her around her belly just next to her rib cage. Measure her every week. If you see an increase, then she's still most likely pregnant. The bleeding depends, depends on if she's just miscarrying one pup or the whole litter. If she's still bleeding in a day or two, then I would either call your vet back, or contact a different vet. Good luck, and please let me know how it turns out.