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boxer whelping

18 12:00:09

hello...  my boxer went into heat on july 13 and she is pregnant but i am not sure which day they tied on...  she is only eating very little and drinking just enough to keep going just laying around and doesnt want to go out to restroom...  she is loosing mucus and seems like puppies have all dropped last litter she had 13 i am expecting 8-9 this litter...  i am just a little concerned because i am not sure when she exactly tied...  seems to be staarting labor early can u help what do u expect..

Hi. If she was bred on the 10th day of her cycle, that would put her at about day 55. That would leave her 3 days short. This is IF she was bred on the 10th day. it does sound like she is getting pretty close. my best advice here would be to get an x-ray done. If the pups are so far along, their teeth should show up on the x-ray, and this will let you know about how far along she is, and if she's going early. I would take her in any way for a check up. Does she have milk yet?