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breeding male with two females

18 11:58:39

My friend wants to breed her stud with two females who are in heat at the same time.  Typically a stud is bred with one female every other day around ovulation.  This time the stud might have to be used daily to time ovulation for both females.  Will this compromise the success of, and or the size of the litters?

Hi Lainey

Before anybody does anything make sure all dogs involved have been tested for STD's including Brucellois.   I've heard of one stud wiping out 9 programs in one go from studding out untested.  Not good.

Okay, that being said.  It's fine for the male to breed every day.  One female one day, the other the next, and so on.  But make sure he's in top physical shape and extra kibble supplement with some raw meat will help keep his juices flowing.

Males determine the sex of the pups, females determine the number.  All females are born with all the eggs they are going to have.  So if they only release 1 or 2 at a time, that's the number of pups you'll get.   Males on the other hand can produce tens of millions of swimmers a go.

Good luck