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after mating (male dog)

18 13:28:40

hi me amd my friend mated both our yorkies with each other they locked on  and the day after the male dog is howling and shaking   is this what happend the female is just sleeping  should we keep both to gether as my frined think he missing the female and its the first time for both of them
thanks hope you can help me all so do you think the female will be pregnent

Hi. It could be because of that, but you may also need to have him checked out to make sure he wasn't hurt during the breeding if this continues. Most boys will holler and go off their feed when a girl is in heat, but if he's acting like he's in pain, I'd get him checked out. It's really hard to say for sure if your girl is pregnant or not. A lot depends on it, if she was bred at the right time, ect. Treat her like she is pregnant for now, and you should know for sure in a month or so. After day 50 you can have an x-ray done to know for sure. Good luck, and let me know if I can help with anything else.