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Breeding- please answer

18 13:40:36

I have a very small toy poodle (about 3 pounds) I would love to breed her! But she is a year old and is so small! Is it possible. If so, where do I get the male. I was thinking that a teacup yorkie would be good, but I do not want to adopt a yorkie. where do I get this male?! PLZ Answer!

If you are not a very experienced breeder you shouldn't breed a female this tiny. Even an experienced breeder would be taking a major risk. Say she has a five pound sibling or grandparent,. then you have that gene and are likely to have to have an emergency section at best, at worst a dog dying in labor. Plus the pups will be TINY and require constant 24 hour vigilant care to keep them at the right temperature, and making sure they do not go into hypoglycemia. A full time job in and of itself. Unless you are prepared to risk your dog's life, or spend twenty four hours a day for seven to eight weeks after pups are born keeping them alive, pass on the breeding. Have her spayed, increase her lifespan and keep her healthy.
Good luck