Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Reproduction > About mucus plug

About mucus plug

18 11:55:42

QUESTION: How long after a pregnant dogs mucus plug does she give birth to her pups? & what exactly does a mucus plug look like?

tonight (2:00am) my female went pee and a long clear slimy string came out right after ..I'm guess this is the mucus plug or part of one? She is on day 61 now of her pregnancy & has just gotten her milk today as well.

ANSWER: Hi Kayla, Here is a site with photos of the Mucus plug - This can happen 4 -5 days before the Labor starts.  Please read up on this experience and be ready:  Make sure you have a VET to call if any problems rise:
read here:

Good Luck!

Marie Peppers LPN MA

Visit my "Pet Health Blog"

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Hi, today I started taking her temperature & at 2:34pm it was 96.3..I checked again at 4:00pm and it read 96.0 ...does this indicate that she will go into labor within 12 hours or so?

Body Temperature should drop 1-2 Degrees:

Before giving birth, a dog's body temperature will drop a good amount.
About a day before labor,  the dog's temperature will drop 1 or 2 degrees.

It's hard to say but Looks like it may be 24 to 48 hrs.  ( this is just a good guess on my part)

Please remember to consult your Vet if you have any major questons.

HAVE fun!  It's a bunch of work but rewarding
