Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Reproduction > our pugs puppies born dead

our pugs puppies born dead

18 11:56:18

We have two pure bread pugs one male one female unfortunately our female is pregnant again we did everything we could of to keep them apart this time until we can get her fixed or decide thats what we want to do. every pregnancy she carries her pups to term and you can feel them alive inside her but every time they are still born. What is happening and what can we do to try and save them this time please help it breaks my heart and hers

the fist thing is to get her to the vet asap and tell him what has all went on and he can give you the best advice on what to do. he will probably suggest a c-section on her 60th day or so. after that i would have her fixed to prevent any other litters. there is obviously something going on with either her or your male. sorry i couldnt give more advice but i would take her to the vet as soon as you can get her in. its whats best for her and her pups.