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Strange behavior after my shih-tzu was bred

18 11:58:43

I have a 3 yr old female who was just bred for the first time. I was awaken by her yelping, so I came out and found them locked together. I know not to force them apart so I just soothed her as best I could and helped calm her. After it was over and they separated she started behaving strangely. Running around, panting, licking me excessively, whining, barking, scratching at me. Is this normal behavior? Is there anything I should be concerned about?  We will be trying again this weekend because I have heard that I should try it at least twice to be sure she takes, and I just want to be prepared better for the next time! Thanks!

Hi Tammy

Some maidens (especially small dogs) can become frantic with the mating.  Especially if the male misses the mark and gets her anus.

A internal check will let you know if she's too tight.  Some female have an extra ring of skin inside the vulva.  If the male has trouble getting in, the pups are never going to make it out on their own. A vet can check for you and let you know if the band needs to be cut.  

Good luck