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Female in heat, male driving us crazy

18 13:28:46

Hello -
We have a female chihuahua and a male rottweiler both of whom are not fixed. I wanted to breed my female & the rottweiler came to us by chance only in October. He's 8 and we are afraid to get him neutered b/c of his age. She's in heat and he's going nuts licking her, lifting her right up, we've been keeping them separated but he won't stop panting, he vibrates so badly his teeth chatter. We hadn't gotten any sleep in 2 nights b/c even though i had her locked in a room (with food/water/toys/bed of course) he could still smell her. Last night I was congested & pulled out the Vix Vapo rub - I was at my wits end so I thought I`d try putting the Vix at the bottom of the door of the room she was in so maybe he couldn`t smell her as much & lo & behold it worked. I finally got some sleep last nite...he thought she was gone. Although, as soon as she made a whimper this morning he knew otherwise but at least we got some peace for a little while. I`d recommend this to anyone in a similar situation. Nothing else quieted him down for as long...he hasn`t eaten in 2 days, he won`t even look at the ham bone I gave him to try distracting him for awhile. Short of neautering him, do you have any other suggestions of how to calm down a totally twitter-painted male?

Hi Lisa

Actually, you would WANT to get your male fixed because of his age.  There are health complications that can arise with un-neutered males, the most predominant is cancer.

Males will do ANYTHING to get to a female in heat, especially if they've been bred in the past. I've seen them open doors, chew entirely through walls and scale 8 feet fences.  The best thing to do is let your male have a sleep over at a trusted friend's house.

If your male actually gets to your female, it is certain that the attempt at breeding would kill her.  

Good luck