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My Pregnant Pitbull????

18 13:26:40


I bred my Pitbull and she is pregnant we are now at 5 and a half weeks. She has lost her appetite in the mornings and now only eats late in the evening. She is also having difficulty bending her neck to drink water and eat her food and sometimes she will cry when she has to get up..... The vet took an X-Ray to see if her neck was damaged....she was fine..... are any of these symptoms linked to her pregnancy???

Please Help...

Hi. This is not normal for a pregnancy. The odd appetite is, but not the pain and crying when trying to get up. I would go to a different vet if you have to, but something is going on here that really needs to be figured out. You can put her food bowles on a box or something elevated tom ake it easier for her. But I would push for more tests. She could have a back issue going on. Good luck.