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mini schnauzer

18 13:26:40

my minischnuazer turned 1 year on july 11 she is approximately 2 weeks out of heat I think.....basically it has been about 2 weeks since the golden brownish discharge which was at first red has disappeared and the swelling of her genitals has gone down.  I noticed her nipples became larger and blueish under the skin before the swelling of her genitals had gone down and they are still swollen.  She is not lazy or eating more than usual that I can tell.  She is still a very active dog and plays very rough with our 4 year old male mini schnauzer.  They were not left alone except when  she was left in large cage while he was free to patrol the house during the day.  I am alarmed by her nipples color and minor sagging.....I never saw the dogs mate but I know nothing is impossible.....I do plan to take her to the vet soon, but do you think she may be pregnant.

Hi Jackie

Its shortly after the discharge that ovulation occurs and she can get pregnant.

She could be going into a false pregnancy which is common.  Also, her vulva may always appear larger now that she's had a cycle.  

It would be too soon to tell if she's pregnant, all you can do is wait.

Good luck