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Excessive PV Bleed after Whelping

18 11:59:33

Our Boxer bitch has just had her 2nd litter of 11 pups with no problems except she has been bleeding excessively for a week.  We took her to the vets as her gums became very white indicating aneamia & she became very weak also. The vets  are now going to spey her?? We are very concerned as they don't know where she is bleeding from and we are now feeding her puppies while she's in vets awaiting surgery. They are also saying she has now got a Heart murmor due to the stress her body is under.  Will she survive all of this?? Will her milk dry off after speying?  They say it won't???  We love her dearly and are very worried.  What do you think??  Thanks

Hi Lisa

Heart murmurs are typically a congenital defect. I have never heard of one being caused because of stress. Did your vet tell you what grade she has? Consider having the owners of the pups, past and present, to have their pups tested.  

You have a very good chance that her milk will dry up after surgery.

Personally I would wait the spaying until she is back in top form. I would supplement her food with raw organ meats and start with a shot of oxytocin to ensure her uterus is all cleaned out.   It's common for a female to bleed longer from a large litter, especially if she had 2 large litters in a row.

In your shoes, I would ask for a second opinion.  

Good luck