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my 6 month old Bugg puppy

18 13:40:22

I have a six month old boston terrier X pug who is unaltered. we are intentionally waiting to fix her for a plethera of reasons and have absolutly no intention of breeding her before 2 years of age if it all, however today while tied up in the front yard a nighbours Jug dog who was unleashed came over. ( keep in mind i noticed some blood jsut yesterday indicating her first heat:() I was in the basement so i was not immediate to the seen however there were several children outside, i came and they were not locked or anyhting and im not even sure if he entered her at all, im jsut terrified that she may indeed be pregnant. Is there some way to know for sure if the "deed" occured, or how should I be responding to the situation?

Ps .. after questioning a few of the older kids who were present they were kind of sure there was no nookie, and my dog wasnt yelping or anything, but i am very anxious over this.

I can imagine that you are. I can tell you that pregnancy can occur without a tie, so just because there wasn't one, don't get too comfortable. If she were mine,.I'd have her spayed, Otherwise you're just going to have to wait and see. Deal with a mixed litter, which depending on the size of the dog that bred her, considering your dog's breed mix, could result in a csection. Even a life threatening situation for your girl. At her young age. it will be like a twelve year old child giving birth. On top of that, both breeds in your dogs genetics are prone to csections and difficult births, Sorry to be the messenger of bad news. But when asked for my opinion I have to give it honestly
Good luck