Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Reproduction > VBAC


18 13:30:28

Do you have personal experiences regarding VBAC's? I have a bitch that I am ready to breed for the second time.  Generally this is not a breed that is known to have emergency c-sections it is a Corgi.  2 years ago she had her first litter of 7 c-section, probable uterine inertia.  When I asked my vets opinion on whether or not I should just go ahead and plan a second c-section or let her try naturally? The Vet told me that just because she had to have a section last time, that it does not mean that she will need one this time.  Doctor thinks I should let her try without hesitation.  This response worries me when I check out the subject on the Internet and most say it is too risky and to preschedule the section so you aren't paying an Emergency fee on top of the high cost of a section.  I would like someone to tell me a personal and professional experience that they may have had.  Thank you for your time!

Hi Kim

Absolutely schedule a section.  The problems that can arise, among others,  are that pups can adhere to the scar of the first section.

In the bully breed where I reside, you have to expect sections every now and again.  Personally, if my female requires a c-section, after she's whelped I spay her, only because I want to produce lines that are free-whelping.  

My experience has shown me that if you have had one c-section your female has a greater chance of requiring another.

The important thing to remember is why a section is needed in the first place.  Is her canal/pelvis to narrow, does she has extra skin around her vulva that won't let a pup pass, what is the cause?   Structural limitations don't change between litters.