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Golden Retriever Heat

18 13:29:14

How often will our 5 yr. old Golden Retreiver come into heat?  We weren't interested in breeding her until we got our male last year.  She didn't take 3 months ago.  When will the next heat come?  I never really paid attention to her cycle before our male came!  Thanks!

Hi Jeanne

Well in five years if you didn't pay attention, I can't tell you. With an intact female it's important to chart the seasons to insure she has no silent health issues (thyroid).

Season's come in cycles, 6, 9, 12 months. At 5, she should come in pretty regular.  At the least, it will be another 3 months.  

On a side note, have you had them tested?  At her age there is no point wasting time trying to get a breeding if either of them can't reproduce.

Good luck