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my preg pug

18 11:56:01

hi i have a pug who i thought was preg.  mated her in sept with my male pug. its her frist litter last week i was sure she was as it looked like a a football in her tummy now she has gone skinny round her legs still has a big tummy but not really big her tummy touches the floor when she sits down. her boobs have changed colour or pale pink and now on the ends has gone a dark brown colour. i can not feel pups move and i cant really feel much only two lumps near her hind legs gone off food and wont eat frist thing in the morning she ate about 2 hours latter and was sick so waited a few hours and has near eaten her meat and not been sick x is she preg  

sounds like either shes pregnant or is having a false pregnancy. you can confirm her pregnancy at the vet or you could wait it out and start taking temps. her normal temp is between 100-102. when her temp goes down to 97.9-98.6 take her temp again in 2 hrs and if its still in that range then expect labor within 24hrs. how many days since mating? how many times did you breed her? if you answer those questions i can help you better. also, does she have milk or discharge?