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Beagle about to whelp and no milk

18 13:44:02

My beagle's teats are enlarged and appear to be full of milk.  However when we try to express any, none will come out. She is also only 1 yr old (my male got into her kennel).  :(  Because of this, I thought maybe she was having a false pregnancy. I brought her into our vet on 11/16 and they confirmed 3 puppies with ultrasound & x-ray. The vet didn't expect her to even go another week due to the bone density shown on the x-ray.  Her temp has dropped into the 99 degree range late last night.  I have puppy milk to be safe but is this normal and will her milk come in?  My other dogs have all had milk prior to whelping.
Thanks so much.

Hi Laura. Some dogs won't get milk in until she whelps. I wouldn't worry too much yet, just have the puppy milk on hand just in case. She may get her milk in when she starts labor, or even after the whole thing is done. Good luck! There is an old breeders trick to get a dog's milk in. Give the dog 2 tablespoons of dark beer. I have used this myself, and it does seem to work. You may also want to ask your vet if there's anything that you can safely give her to bring her milk in later on.