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My Dogs Wont Mate

18 13:32:01

My male is 4 years old, female is 2. She came in heat and had large dark
discharge on the first 2-3 days, moderate to light red as slow flow until
the 16th day, and today is has turned pale tan. The male tried to mount
her on the first day until the 15th...she never flagged him, when he tried
to mount she either growled, bit at him, or laid down. On day 16 she
mounted him and he now shows absolutely no interest in her. We have
tried holding her and he just walks away.
This same thing occured on her last heat and we missed the cycle.
Neither of them have ever bred. I don't know of any vets that do AI. I
have read how to do it myself and have everything I need, but the male
won't even try to do his thing. They are Briards. HELP!!

Hi Chris

When you have a breeding pair living together, it's  best to separate them before you plan on doing the breeding.  

He could have lost interest in her because she was aggressive. And holding her down, does not add to the romance.  In fact, it can turn both off.

Have you had your male checked for a low libido.  He could lack the sexual drive which is more common that you may think.  

If this is your second attempt I would do progesterone testing, a simple enough procedure that requires blood work.  This will let you know when your female ovulates.

Good luck