Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Reproduction > I dont know where to begin!!!

I dont know where to begin!!!

18 13:38:34

QUESTION: I foudn this boxer in my garage about 2 weeks ago. You could see her ribs and her backbone. Her nipples are black and really large. Like she has been bred quite a bit. Well we noticed a few days ago that she is pregnant. Her belly is the only part of her that is big. She came in the house a few nights ago. We have another dog.. so we tried to keep her outside and fed as long as possible. She ended up having 7 puppies last night. But the thing now is she is SO skinny. So skinny it makes me want to cry. We don't have the extra money at the moment to take her to the vet. We are waiting on our stimulus check and then definitely going to take her. Noone has claimed her. We have signs posted everywhere. I guess my question is.. what can I do to make sure she is comfortable and help her gain some weight until we get that check to take her to our vet. The vet we take our dog to doesn't do payments and he wants the money up front. I just feel so bad knowing that noone wants this dog. We are doing what we can for her.. but what else can we do?? Please hurry!!

ANSWER: Hi Becky! If you haven't already, make her a warm place to keep her puppies, some kind of box. Make sure she has constant access to water and food at all times so she can produce plenty of milk for the puppies. You can try to give her some beef broth, or plain vanilla ice cream. At this point, since she was already so skinny, feed her what ever she wants, and that even means table scraps (some will blast me for saying that lol). She may also need to be wormed, that can cause a dog to lose weight like that as well. However, most dogs look awful right after they give birth. Because of this girl's background, she may simply not be able to produce enough milk for the puppies. I have a puppy formula recipe somewhere if you want it. Good for you for taking care of this girl! If I can help with anything else, let me know!

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: HI again.. there is one puppy that seems to be pretty skinny compared to the others.. so I would really appreciate that recipe. I have a baby in the house so I could just use one of her bottles right? Or are there special bottles that I will have to go get? Thank you so much for all the advice.

You can try a regular baby bottle. That's what I use myself if the puppy is big is enough. Just make sure the nipple doesn't flow too fast. The recipe is 1 can evaporated milk, 2 egg yolks, 1 carton plain yogurt, 6 oz. boiled water.  Here's a really good link that has more recipes, and many helpful links. If I can help with anything else, let me know.