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is my boxer pregnant

18 12:00:28

Hi please can you help me, im confused and sooo excited.. My boxer molly is 4 years old and this is the first time we have breed her, since she came out of heat she has had a creamy colour discharge - she will be coming up to 5 wks pregnant if she is pregnant this weekend... from what i have noticed her rib cage seems to be hanging alot lower at the top but she doesnt seem to have filled out just yet infront of her back legs, her boobs do look like they might be about to start hanging down????? i am so new to this and want to make sure im doing everything just right. we are feeding her scrambled egg pilchards and chicken n pasta.

Hi. It's hard to say for sure. some Boxer girls hide their puppies til it's time to whelp, under the rib cage. The creamy discharge is normal, and many pregnant dogs have this discharge. After 5 weeks in, she should start to fill out. It can be hard to say for sure though, dogs do experience what's called a false pregnancy. After day 50, you can take her in for an x-ray to know for sure. By then, you should be able to feel them, or she should be filled out some. I would cut out the pasta, or cut it down. If I can help with anything else, feel free to write. Good luck!